Botany After Dark
The dark mysteries of the plant world.
5 years ago

The Morning Glory | Botany After Dark, Epi 1

Some flowers make you lose your mind.

Episode Notes

In today's episode, we dive into the weird and wonderful world of the morning glory, specifically the Mexican morning glory (tlitliltzin, Ipomoea. tricolor), a vibrant blue and featured in the episode artwork, and the Beach moonflower (Ipomoea. violacea). Join me in discovering the... altered states and effects of this plant.

Episode Art: Image by johnmarydavis0 from Pixabay | Music: "Forest of Fear" by Aakash Gandhi

Sources: Canadian PSA, Encyclopedia Britannica, Healthfully Article, Science Direct, Poison Control, Ergometrine Wiki, Eat the Weeds, Burpee, Ipomoea purpurea Wiki, Morning Glory Wiki, Dudley, H W; Moir, C (1935). "The substance responsible for the traditional clinical effect of ergot". BMJ. 1: 520–523.

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