Botany After Dark
The dark mysteries of the plant world.
5 years ago

The Amazon: A History

Amazon Rainforest Day, 2019

Episode Notes

Today, September 5th is Amazon Rainforest Day. As such, I thought it fitting to discuss the history and significance of the region. Links, as always are below.

Sources: What can I do? Petitions: [Specifically Regarding the Fires] ( | UK Residents or British Citizens Only | Care2 (Worldwide) 4 Nonprofits with Ideas on How to Save the Amazon

Cover Art: Image by Hans Schwarzkopf from Pixabay | Music: "Forest of Fear" by Aakash Gandhi

Sources: Philip DeFranco video link | The Guardian (Article 1) | The Guardian (Article 2) | The Guardian (Article 3) | The Guardian Article 4 | The Guardian Article 5 | NASA | Tropical Rainforest Facts | Biodiversity Conservation | Countercurrents | INPE Pronounciation | INPE Wiki | Sciencing | National Geographic | Amazon History | General info search | Monga Bay | Science Alert, Fires | WWF

Links: YouTube | The Amazing Plant Project Blog | Patreon | AP2 Twitter | BAD Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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